Swevet is once again Industry Winner!

We are very excited to once again be named Industry Winner 2023 after last year's positive results. An Industry Winner is a company that has surpassed its own industry's development in both turnover and results.

Every year, Branschvinnare i Sverige AB in collaboration with Largest companies and Trust Magazine, appoints the companies that will receive the Industry Winner award based on the previous year's financial statements. An Industry Winner is a company that has surpassed its own industry's development in both turnover and results. The company must also show a positive result. The average is calculated once a year and is based on all companies within the industry of the business. On average, only 15% of Sweden's limited companies are awarded the award. To receive the award the year after first is quite a rare achievement according to Branschvinnare. The industry division is based on the companies' SNI code*.

I am humbled and proud to receive this award for the second year in a row. It’s a confirmation that we at Swevet are still moving towards a fantastic development in both turnover and results. It is thanks to the committed team at Swevet that has made this possible. Thank you Branschvinnare for the nice award! 

Peter Bjurling, CEO at Swevet


* SNI stands for Swedish Industry Classification and is based on the EU standard, NACE Rev.2. An Industry Winner is a company that has surpassed its own industry's development in both turnover and results.

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Algeforgiftning hos hund og katt

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